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The Team at

Rev. Linda Mudd
01827 716754
(Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays - all day Wednesdays - Morning only)
Parish Church office
01827 370030
(Office open for weddings and Baptisms applications 1st Monday of the month 6pm - 7:30pm)
Church Wardens
Jane Bennett - 07791123466
Caroline Foster - 07488235956
Mike Coult
Gift Aid Secretary and Weekly
Giving Envelopes
Jane Bennett - 07791123466
Mandy Coult
Bell Ringing
Sharon Whitehead - 07725465678
Keith Whitehead- 07872388267
School Room Booking Secretary & Electoral Roll officer
Jenny Knight – 01827 712240
Magazine Editors
Tara Gadsby - 01827 716904
Jane Bennett - 07791123466
Mel Smith - 07880668570
Children's team
Sarah Foster 07488 244224
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